Monday, July 19, 2010

Taleem ul Quran English course

I have enrolled in Taleem ul Quran english course. I am hoping to have the most knowledge about Islam. I hope that Allah guides me, and makes it beneficial for me.  About me, I am memorizing the Quran, Alhumdulliah I am on the 23rd para.
 Also inshallah I will be posting notes, and helpful information related to the course.


  1. Mashallah lahawla wala kuwata illa billa Umme!! your blogs amazingly awesommmmmmmmm...
    you sooo rock gal keep it rolling he he :)....
    you memorizing the Qur'an thats even more amazing MA...
    May Allah izzawajal make that which is difficuilt easy for you and may Allahs golden blessings shower upon you always..May Allah izzawajal guide you and this blog till the end -Ameen...
    Tonnz of love and dua,

  2. Assalamu Alaikum
    Alhamdulillah I came across your blog. I am interested in joining the Quran certificate part time course online, and was seeking information from students that is taking the courses. Do you still post notes from your classes? May Allah swt reward you with best of rewards. Ameen!
