Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gems from class

140109~3Kareema- Saying Bisimililah should always be said before doing anything; but do not say it if you intend to do something wrong.

Nabeela- leave that puts you in doubt and take out that which does not put you to doubt

Nabeela- gem from the recitation-listen to the recitation of the Quran attentively and ponder over the verses

Sana- Ask from the one who is the Lord of the worlds and you will not be deprived

Sameera- Quran has hidaya for all mankind, but only those with taqwa can benefit from it

Rania- Allah swt is the owner of mercy all mercy and he has special mercy for those who are true believers, (I want to be with those people inshallah)

Zamirul- It's a Dua, so reflect upon the verses and say Ameen sincerely. 200709~4

Annie- malik yaoum deen, deen is the recompense of what we deserve ...that just illuminated my hearth and my desire to attain taqwa

Zara-Beg for guidance. we have to ASK to be guided.

Nabeela: it is Allah who could guide you and non other...guidance is the best blessing.

Umme: True guidance is the guidance from Allah

Taibaimtiaz: Allah(SWT) be our guide.

Ameena- Ar Rahman : possessor of vast mercy and Ar Raheem: shows mercy for those who deserve it.

Faiza: We ask Allah to guide us to the straight path, In guidance we ask him to take us there until we have reached our destination, Subhan'Allah.

Tayaba-True knowledge is not what we know, but what we act upon

Zainab-Stay on the path that is straight and Allah will give you of his blessings and fulfill all your needs, Inshallah.

Sana-Ar-Raheem meaning specially merciful for the believers,Alhamdulillah we are Muslim and Allah is s[specially merciful for us

Nabeela: i.a ameen let Allah(SWT) guide us till the end.149C76~1

Siddikha:  'nabudu, wa iyyaka nasthaeen': first the act of worshipping Him alone, and then asking for His help/guidance

Sara- Ibaadah is humility coupled with love and it is every action that Allah loves and is pleased with - a slave usually obeys the master but without loving to do it, however, the slave of Allah obeys Allah with humility and love at the same time.

Zamirul-It's the first surah in the Quran-Allah swt is educating us.

Moderator_02: Gem - Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een - Allah links the aim and the means. The aim is to worship Allah and the means is by seeking His help.

Maha- " we humans believe we are so mighty and strong, yet without Gods help all, always goes wrong"

Bushra:Every day in every Salah, ask Allah for Hidayah irshad and tawfiq

Misbah- My Gem:Thanks Allah SWT for everything 7 for every need ask Allah SWT

Misbah-Always ask HIM SWT to show us the right path because HE SWT knows what is good for us.

Mardhiya- Allah is so merciful He has made it so easy for us if we only knew. And our enemy shaton tries to make us forget, give up, make excuses. 14BBB4~1

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