Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Taleem ul Quran 2010 Notes #3 (July 21st 2010)

These are my notes for today's class. The notes aren’t in detail, its just brief details.

Tafseer by sister Maryam Saeed Sarah fatiha

To Keep you self away from doubts, and the shaitan, you have to recite Aoozu billa. When we say bismillah 'it means we remember Allah. and our acts become good.

Ba ra Kah means sitting of a camel, especially the she camel. baraKah is a mercy and a blessing from Allah. We should actually relay on Allah, by saying bis millah it means you relay on Allah.

Aya 2. The prophet Muhammad used to say Alhumdulilah in good and bad times. You should say Alhumdulliah in bad situations because it could be worse, You can praise people, but praise for Allah and people is different. Praise Allah-perfect, love, respect people-Imperfect. superficial.

Aya 3-Allah is Rahman for every creature, and Raheem for specific people.

Aya 4-he is the master of the day of judgment.

Aya 5-We shouldn't worship anyone else because there is no one like him, He is the one who nurtures, feeds, us, We ask Allah to guide us

Aya 6-Allah can show us the stright path: If we need guidance we should look upon Allah. Two types of guidance hadaya Irsheed-Its a light of Knowledge. Haddya Tawfeeq-To imply the knowledge The master, Rubbulalimeen told us that this is his path. The path that you have to pass before going to jannah is called pullsiraat. Connect the Knowledge of the Quran with your daily life. Guidance is something you will never get, unless you want it

  Aya 7-The favored people are prophets, righteous, truthful. Stick firmly to the truth even if there are a few people. Magdoob are those who have knowledge but don't implement on it. Daleel are those who have no Knowledge and they don't implement.

Ameen means on Rabb accept this from us

No one else other than Allah deserve the complete praise

Rabb means to nurture something gradually until its complete

Deen means recompense. Recompense means to get back what you deserve. The word deen also refers to justice. To give recompense to the one that deserves. Day of Recompense = Judgment day. The literal meaning of the word Ebadah is to show humility- humility means whatever you show me I will do-and Love.To express obedience lbadah is every action that Allah loves of statements and actions. These statements and action can be hidden or shown, Had aya is to guide someone with affection, Kindness, niceness, gentleness, with ease. Hadaya is to show the path, help them walk on the path, and help them reach the path. Mustaqeem is that which is stright, balanced, which leads stright to the path, that does not have ups and downs, its not the wrong way. The stright way is the way that leads to jannah. Ghadab is such anger that turns into revenge. Maghdoob are those who earned the anger of Allah, Dalal means misguidance. to get lost, to be away from the right,away from the right destination. Ghadab are the ones who know but don't care. dalal are the ones who are ignorant, don't have Knowledge.

    Sarah baqarah is a Madni Sarah, it was revealed after the hijirah. Makki and Madni has to due with the era, the time, not the place. Sarah baqarah is the longest surah in the Quran, it has 286 verses Al baqara literally means the cow."Learn Surah AlBaqarah and Surah Ale-Imran because they are two lights and they will shade their people on the day of resurrection just as two clouds or two lines of flying birds.  ("their people" means those who learned them.)

        Aya 1-These letters are of the Arabic alphabet. These letters are called haroof muqatlad-disjointed letters. Different opinions of what Huruf Muqata'at (ex: alif lam meem) mean:  1.  names of Allah (but there is no evidence for this). 2. these letters can't be translated. they don't have a meaning. 3. These letters have meaning but we don't know the meaning.  Only Allah knows. They don't have a literal meaning but they have a purpose, for example: to grab the attention of the listeners. The people (i.e. Arabs) are being reminded that these letters are the same as their but they can not produce something similar so he purpose of these letters is to show the miraculous nature of the Quran.

Aya 2- Za Ii Kah is used to show the greatness of Allah, It shows that the person who implies this book is also going to be in a exalted situation in front of Allah. kitab is that which is recorded, or written. Raib is such a doubt that creates unrest in a person, a state of being unsure. Leave that which puts you to doubt, and get what doesn't put you in doubt. There is no doubt in the Quran. you should be 100 % sure. La Raib means: 1. there is no doubt that this book is has been sent by Allah. 2. there is no doubt that it has correct guidance for the human being.or means no doubt that what is in the Quran is best for us 3. there is nothing incorrect in it.The literal meaning of taqwa is to take protection from the anger of Allah, punishment of Allah. To do That you have to do what pleases Allah, and stay away From that which will anger Allah. Only a person with taqwa will get guidance.

      Aya 3-Iman means to make a statement by the tongue, -and to believe it in the heart, - and to act upon it.Ghayb refers to everything that we do not see but Allah has informed us of them and we have to believe in them.(for example We have not seen Allah, the Hell fire, and Jannah)

In this verse/aya ghayb is referred to all those things that are hidden from us, but we have to believe in them. 1) Allah 2) angels 3) day of judgment 4) jannah and jahannum

They believe in the unseen, and they establish the prayer Qayama when you stand in prayer Iqama-to make something stand stright to establish something correctly Salah-dua, prayer, supplication, In our religion salah means the specific words and actions that are performed in a certain way.

lqamatis salah-praying the 5 daily prayers. praying in the prescribed manner, for men in particular praying in congregation, praying in the prescribed time. A person cannot have taqwa unless he establishes the prayers. If you don't have taqwa, you can't be guided.


If I made any mistake please forgive me:)

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