Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Reminders

Recite Surah Kahf
Abu saeed khudri (R.A) says that Rasulalah (S.A.W) has said that :
"Whoever recite Suratul-Kahf on Friday (the night between Thursday and Friday) enjoys the illumination between two fridays."(Nasai)
Hazarat Abdullah Bin Umar(R.A.) says that the Rasulallah(S.A.W) has said that: "Whoever recites Suratul-Kahf on Friday, will enjoy a light shining from his feet to the heaven and will have his sins forgiven comitted between the two Fridays." (Ibn Marduya)
Friday Bath:
Hazrat Abu Amama (R.A.) says that the Rasulallah (S.A.W) has said that: "The bath of Friday, pull out every sin of the man from its root." (Tibrani)
Read "Ale-imraan" after Maghrib
Abdulla Bin Abbas (R.A.) says that Rasulallah (S.A.W) has said that: "Whoever recites Suratul-Aale Imran on Friday, angels enjoy the divine shouwer of salutation on him till sunset." (Tibrani)
Read "hha-meem-Dukhan"
It is reported from Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A.) that Rasulaalah (S.A.W) has said that:"Whoever recites Suratul-Ham-Mim Dukhan on Friday (the night between Thursday and Friday) enjoys the prayer of 70,000 angels for his forgiveness and gets all sins forgiven."(Tirmizi)

"Strive for your life in the Hereafter as if you will will die tommrow.....
and strive for your life on Earth as if you will live forever." (Islamic teaching)

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