Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Taleem ul Quran 2010 Notes #3 (July 21st 2010)

Study Skills by sister Aisha Altaf

Allah forgives the one who gathers in the remembrance of Allah.

The angels honor the people of knowledge. people who learn knowledge and then act upon it, Allah loves those people, and he's also a friend of Allah. Prophet Ibrahim answered the call of Allah and brought others to it, he was the friend of Allah. 'lbn al Qiymm, stages of Knowledge 1) asking questions in a good manner 2) remaining Quiet, listening attentively 3) understanding well 4) memorize 5) teaching 6) fruit of Knowledge is to act upon the knowledge. Quran reached us through oral, listening and reciting. You have to read everyday to 1) to increase your vocabulary 2) to expand your imagination 3) to explore new avenues of Knowledge 4) to develop critical thinking 5) to discover new ideas 6) to learn from the experiences of others 7) to understand different cultures. The reward of gathering in a mosque is, if his intention is nothing but for the sake of Allah, is equal vent to the reward of hajj.

Allah mentions the people of Knowledge near the angels. The prophet Muhammad wants to sit with the people that remember Allah more than the ones who free slaves.

Husne Akhlaq Class by sister Rushda

beautiful character. Husna khuluq is the best way to deal with people, It's

the inner beauty. Akhlaq is your character, manners, and dealings

Imam Ghazali explained Khuluq as; Khuluq it is a constant state of the inside that is manifested in our actions. In the world the highest, exalted character was of the prophet. Muhammad. We should follow the prophet Muhammad.

Abu Hurairah real name Abdur Rahman. He came to Makkah and stayed with the prophet Muhammad. Abu Hurairah means father of Kittens, he was called that because he loved to play with kittens when he was little. Abu Hurairah narrated the most hadith, Abu Hurairah suffered many hardships. Abu Hurairah was an orphan. Abu Hurairah had a strong relationship with worship, He had a great relationship with his mother. Good charter of Abu Huriairah: He had a good relationship with his mother, Love to prophet, and love of Knowledge.

Ahsaan is to do utmost good. Khuluq means characteristics, habits traits, morals, inward appearance. Halaq means how something is created. Halaq is outward appearance and huluq is inward appearance. Ha la qa is a verb and it means worn out. old. To be completely beautiful, you have to be beautiful from the inside. The real beauty of a person is in its habits, dealings, and actions. What you do is a reflection of who you are.

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