Sunday, July 4, 2010

Rememberance of Allah

The Prophet (saw) said,

 “The example of the person who remembers Allah (swt) in the midst of people who are heedless from the remembrance of Allah (swt) is like a green moist tree which is surrounded by dry trees. “

 “The parable of the person who remembers Allah (swt) among people who are neglectful from the remembrance of Allah (swt) is like a bright lamp inside a dark room.”

 “The example of the man who remembers Allah (swt) and the person who does not remember Allah (swt) is the example of a living and dead person.”

 “The one who remembers Allah around people who are oblivious from the Dhikr of Allah; Allah (swt) will show such person his/her paradise while they’re alive.”

“The person who remembers Allah (swt) in the company of people who heedless of the Remembrance of Allah (swt); Allah (swt) will look at him/her with such a merciful look, as to not punish them ever.”

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: “Seek sweet happiness in three things: performing prayer, Remembering Allah, and reading the Holy Quran. If you find (delight in those three things), it is alright. But if you do not, it means that the door (to Allah’s Love and Mercy) is closed; so search for the reason.”

“How miserable people of the present world are! They pass away from it without having tasted the most delicious thing therein.” And when he was asked: “What is the most delicious thing therein?”, he said: “Knowing Allah, the Almighty, loving Him, and remembering Him.”

The Prophet of Guidance (saw) told us that remembrance of Allaah is the best and the purest deed. Abu Dardaa narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (saw) said, “Shall I tell you of the best and purest of your deeds before your King, the one that elevates your position the most; that is better for you than meeting your enemies whose necks you strike and they also strike your necks, and better than spending gold and silver?” The companions said, “O Yes.” The Prophet then said, “Remembrance of Allaah, the Exalted.” (Ahmad, Tirmithie and others).

True lovers of Allah will hate anything that distracts them from the remembrance of Allah. They do not love anything more than staying alone in order to remember Their Beloved (swt). They live in this world with their body, but their soul clings to the Supreme Deity.

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