Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Taleem ul Quran 2010 Notes #2 (July 20th 2010)

GROWIN~1Today's class went great. I truly learned a lot. I think Allah has really blessed us all. Here are my notes for today's class.

  • We must ask Allah to open our hearts, and make knowledge easy for us. We ask Allah to loosen the knot from our tongue, and make them understand my speech. (Ta-ha 25-28)
  • Rabbi Zidni Ilma- O Allah increase our knowledge
  • Whenever you recited these duas you have to visualize everything your saying 
  • If you go on the path of knowledge, you will get a lot of rewards.
  • The angels honor you, and you are mentioned in bigger gatherings.
  • Abdullah bin Mubarak said 2/3 part of true knowledge is good manners.
  • Our Ultimate goal of life should be to seek the pleasure of Allah.
  • You have to cleanse your heart to gain the pleasure of Allah, at to remove any jealousy.
  • Knowledge is light, and that light is not given to sinners.
  • Every time something is difficult to study make istighfar
  • Benefit from your teachers, friends, parents, etc
  • The best time to study is after fajr. The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) made dua that O Allah bless my Ummah in the early time.
  • Etiquettes of learning;
  • Arrive on time- So you don’t miss anything, and you won’t distract others
  • Do come prepared- have your pens, pencils, books ready, review your notes
  • Filling in the gap- come to the front of the class because satan fills in the empty gaps.
  • Make space for others-
  • Be considerate and show respect for other
  • Be considerate and show respect to the teachers
  • Even online it is important  to follow these etiquettes i.e attend your class where you won't be distracted
  • Actively participate in group discussion and in class
  • Memorize your lesson properly
  • Avoid whispering
  • LISTEN ATTENTIVLY:to understand, to take lessons, to gain wisdom, to increase your vocabulary, to expand your knowledge, to discover new ideas, to learn from the experiences of others, to be aware of your surroundings, to be listened to
  • Good listening can be attained by concentrating and focus
  • WRITE EVERY DAY: to organize your thoughts, to release your emotions, to learn sentence structure, to express your views, to inspire and motivate, to capture special moments, to record your ideas, to open people's minds, to convey a message
  • if we are shaky, how can we give certainty to others, so confidence is also important
  • Every messenger was given a miracle. The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was given the Miracle of the Quran
  • It is important to know the words of the Quran because our Iman grows stronger, it will help us to concentrate in Salah, Qur'an touches our heart and make our actions change only when we understand the words of our creator.
  • Tafseer is the science by which the Quran is understood, the science of the interpretation of the Quran
  • The method of learning the Quran is to understand Quran by Quran, to understand Quran by hadith, and by the history
  • Root letters are the original letters of the word, the basic letters or foundation of  a word that is necessary to analyze the word linguistically
  • The word Quran is a noun; the root letters are qaf ra hamzah
  • The literal meaning for surah is enclosure, fencing.  Another meaning of surah is an elevated plain or land.
  • Ayah means 1) a sign, an indication 2) a lesson 3) a miracle  4) a verse or sentence
  • lafaza- to throw something out, emitted spoken
  • There are 114 surahs, 30 juz, 6236 verses, and 77437 words, 323,671 letters
  • Harakah literally means movement, in order to pronounce a word you have to move your mouth.
  • To seek refuge is called isti'adha; ta'awwudh:a'udhubillah
  • The harf ba- has 17 different meanings
  • Ism ul Jalalah--exclusive grand name of Allah SWT
  • Rajeem means the accursed, far from the mercy of Allah
  • Surah Fatiha is 25 words, 113 letters, 7 verses, makki surah- revealed before hijrah, and 5th surah to be revealed, 1st surah to be revealed in its entirety
  • Surah Fatiha is also called ummul kithab. or the seven repeated verses.  Surah Fatiha is the foundation of the Quran.
  • Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,"Al-Hamdu lillahi Rabbil-`Alamin is the Mother of the Qur'an, the Mother of the Book, and the seven repeated Ayat of the Glorious Qur'an."
  • Surah Fatiha is the greatest surah of the Quran
  • Surah Fatiha is also called al salah, Ash Shifa ,Ar Ruqqia (the remedy), al Hamd (the praise), Al-asaas- the foundation fathihathul kitaab (opening of the book). I hope I got all of the names.
  • An Nahl:98 So when you recite the Qur'an, [first] seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled[from His mercy].
  • seen meem wo is the root words of bismi
  • bi means with ism means name
  • The root letters of Rahma are  ra ha ma
  • Ar-Rahman indicates a great amount of mercy.
  • Allah shows mercy to every single creature even if he is a disbeliever.
  • The word rahma is also used for the womb of a mother
  • Ar- Raheem the one who shows special mercy. It is the mercy of this life and the hereafter
  • Hamd means to mention the most perfect attributes of someone. It is based on respect and love. It is praise that is very sincere. Since praise out of love and mercy is for Allah.
  • The root letters of Rabb are  ra ba ba
  • Rabb means to gradually nurture something so that it reaches its stage of completion
  • Rabatulbiat is also used for a women.
  • Rab gives the meaning of Khaliq : creator, Malik: owner & Mudabir: planner.
  • Al Alameen is the pleural of Alam
  • Alam means a sign,or a flag. A flag because a flag indicates symbols
  • Allah is the Rabb of all of the worlds


If I made any mistakes please forgive me. leave comments to let me know what you thought of today's class and what you learned :)


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  3. Nice. Jazakallahu Khair! :)
